Sunday, August 4, 2013

30 Before 30

Yesterday marked exactly 6 months until I turn 30!!!! Please keep the "you're so young" comments to yourself.  I know I'm young.  I know I have a lot to learn.  I LOVE that I'm celebrating a new milestone birthday this year. And I DON'T feel OLD (ok maybe I do just a tad when I have one too many beers at the rodeo or stay up past midnight).  So please don't get me wrong.... I'm NOT complaining!!! However, I can't believe half of this year is OVER!!! Where did it go? Oh wait maybe it went to two toddlers, a husband that works a gazillion hours a week, and to TRI training.

Year 29 has been good to me so far.  I've learned how to ride a bike. Yes, you read that right, I didn't know how to ride a bike until I was 29 years old!! I re-learned my LOVE for swimming, even though every time I put my face in the water I wish I was better at it.  I've watched one kid learn how to swim, and she loves it and watched the other grow into a little boy that is in to EVERYTHING...ALL...THE... TIME!!! Moral of that story is BOYS ARE GROSS!! And I feel like I'm finally back in to the fitness levels I held pre-pregnancies.  For the past 4 years I've either been pregnant or nursing (OK pumping) a newborn, making it harder to reach the fitness goals I once held for myself.

All that being said I still haven't really lost any of that "baby weight".  Again please no comments on "but you look great" or "I can't tell".  Just trust me when I say my ideal weight is much less than what I currently weigh.  My mom and I started Weight Watchers a few weeks ago and while I've lost a couple of pounds I think I need to be more focused on my nutrition (come one it's not like I don't know anything in this field) and in fitness (my 3rd love of my life). That being said I think it's time for a challenge......


This can totally be done!!! There are approximately 24 weeks before I turn 30!!! That means I'll need to lose about 1.5 pounds a week.  Again that's NOTHING.... in fact it's what we recommend!!! That goal would put me back in "normal BMI" and ideal weight/height ratio.  Not to mention hopefully it will help my knee and foot pain that has been ridiculous since the birth of Rob.

Stay turned I'm planing on keeping this blog posted with all the ups, downs, hurdles, recipes, and fitness activities.  And hopefully ya'll will help me and hold me accountable to this goal!!! It's something I really want to do.... How nice would it be to need a new wardrobe for my 30th birthday!!! Maybe I can throw in a Louis Vuitton or a pair of 1 ct. diamond stud earrings if I'm a really "good girl"!!!

Till next time!! Tootles

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