Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's Been Awhile

So it's been awhile, huh?! We'll lets catch up!!!

In the past year I was able to complete and fundraise with my team for the Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon in San Fransisco.  It was a FANTASTIC race, ran with FANTASTIC friends.  Then began the long process of training for Goofy, which at many points I was pretty sure was NEVER going to happen.  Turns out, it really is mind over matter!! Robert started training with me.  We ran Shiner 1/2 marathon together and then ran the Disney Marathon together.  The bad news..... my left knee just can't manage the long distances any longer.  Robert says I can run one 1/2 marathon a year and that's pretty much it. Oh and that I really should do most of my training for it on the elliptical. BOOOO.  Basically I needed a new endurance sport.  The only logically one was triathlons.  Grrrrrreat.  I NEVER learned how to ride a bike.  In fact I was so terrified of bikes that I would change vacations because the "cool" thing to do would be to go on a bike ride.  ummmmmmm NO!! Seriously I think Robert was convinced I would never even teach the children how to ride.  Needless to say this was going to be a challenge.  But leave it to Team in Training to take a novice and teach them how to accomplish!!! I started with the Team in Training Tri Team Feb 2013.  And while everyone else rode mileage... I rode in the circles in the parking lot for 3 full weeks.  I have had LOTS of really good teachers and friends that have taught me how to ride and I am eternally thankful.  I rode in my 1st Tri on Memorial Day 2013 in Austin, TX!!! A sprint distance mind you and my times where far from stellar, but I completed it!! I'm back with TEAM this season. Training for Nation's Tri in Washington, DC on Sept. 8th.  This time it'll be an Olympic distance.  Please feel free to follow my adventures specifically related to TEAM over on my fundraising page!!

Oh other parts of my life did actually happen too!!! LOL!! The Disney trip ended up being a family vacation, which the 2 year old little girl absolutely LOVED!!! Robert is now a 4th year Orthopedic Surgical Resident (God please let this year not be as bad as I know it will).  I was elected to the 2013-2014 Junior League of San Antonio Board of Directors.  This is my first volunteer love and to be on the board of such an amazing organization and to work with remarkable women who make differences in the San Antonio community is beyond a privilege.  The kids each celebrated a birthday... Brittany's was "Princess and Super Hero" Build a Bear Party and Rob had an "Airplane" party (complete with cardboard airplane).  Robert bought a bike and I'm still working on getting him to join me in TRI training

Hope everyone's year was FANTASTIC!!! Stay tuned I promise to actually get this one off and going this time!!! :)

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